

Embedded structures with LLENTAB steel elements can perfectly use space in large and empty buildings.

January 27th, 2018|

The growing price of land results in an increasing pressure to utilising every square foot. Embedded structures allow investors to make a better use of interior spaces – whether in new or existing buildings. They offer a more efficient use of the interior space [...]

Czech LLENTAB quality management system serves the company and its customers.

November 12th, 2017|

William Edwards Deming, a globally renowned American statistician who gained recognition for his groundbreaking work in the field of statistical quality management, considered quality to be a major success factor: “Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity. You will succeed in the market with a lower [...]

Embedded floors with LLENTAB structures in a hall for the global leader in electron microscope manufacturing.

October 27th, 2017|

LLENTAB embedded five different structures in a hall next to the existing manufacturing facility of FEI Czech Republic, the global leader in electron microscopy, in Brno in the second half of 2017. The structures are an extension of FEI’s production plant while providing new [...]

LLENTAB hall has been successfully resisting the rough North Sea climate for 30 years.

October 14th, 2017|

Mr. Gosta Sandberg and Mr. Gunnar Knutsson were two Swedish fishermen who used to sail their fishing boats LL628 Atlantic and LL149 Pater Noster in the North Sea off the shore of Kungshamn 30 years ago. Since the North Sea is rich in fish [...]

Impressive building with a great jukebox and flipper museum opens in Hatě near Znojmo.

September 25th, 2017|

A large yellow hall by LLENTAB is situated within the Excalibur City shopping and entertainment centre in Hatě near Znojmo and it first opened to the general public as the Terra Technica or the “Jukebox & Pinball Time Travel Museum” on Saturday, 9 September [...]